Desktop Pattern is a control panel device that lets you change the patterns on your Macintosh® desktop. It allows much larger patterns than are allowed in the General Controls control panel. It will only operate on Macintoshes equipped with Color Quickdraw such as the Macintosh SE/30, Macintosh Classic II, Macintosh LC, Macintosh II line and the Macintosh Quadra line.
This version of Desktop Pattern is SHAREWARE (See definition below). If you decide to use this product you are obligated to send in a registration fee of $10.00+$3.00 shipping and handling. Please feel free to distribute Desktop Pattern to others (subject to the conditions outlined below) but only in the complete archive form in which it was distributed. This archive contains the files Desktop Pattern, Demo Patterns and this Read Me file. If you do not have all of these files, you can download the complete archive from America Online or CompuServe.
By clicking the Help button (square with a question mark), a window displaying instructions for the basic operations of Desktop Pattern will be displayed. In addition to importing pictures and pattern resources from files using the Import button, you can also paste pictures directly into Desktop Pattern using the Paste command in the Edit menu. Initially Desktop Pattern contains only two patterns. You will need to use the Import button to load the patterns supplied in the archive into Desktop Pattern.
Because the General Controls control panel can not accommodate large patterns, it will not allow you to edit color patterns after you have used this product. To restore this capability, use this product to set the desktop pattern to the Gray 50% pattern. Since this is a small (8x8) pattern, the General Controls control panel can edit it and will turn the color editing features back on. You may have to reboot before the General Controls control panel will work in color mode. Remember to unmark all patterns in Desktop Pattern or to remove it from your system folder to prevent Desktop Pattern from changing the pattern again.
Installing a pattern onto the desktop will cause Desktop Pattern to modify the 'ppat' resource with ID=16 in your System file. This is the same resource that the General Controls control panel modifies when you change the desktop pattern. This is also the resource that the Macintosh uses to initialize the desktop when the machine is booted. Some virus checking programs may indicate that this is suspicious behavior, but this is normal when the pattern is installed onto the desktop. If your virus checker has a 'learn' function, you should inform it that it is alright for Desktop Pattern to modify the 'ppat' resource with ID=16. Normally when importing or pasting, Desktop Pattern stores its patterns in itself as resources of type 'ppat'. If your virus checker indicates that resources other of types other than 'ppat' in Desktop Pattern are being modified then you should investigate the causes of that activity.
In order to keep the size of this archive down, not all of the patterns contained in the full version are included. The full version of the program contains over 150 patterns including: Apple Logo (3), Argyle (2), Arrows, Autumn, Autumn Leaves, Babies, Balloons (3), Beveled Tiles (4), Blob, Brick Wall, Business, Calico Logo (2), Cats & Dogs, Cat’s Paw (6), Checkerboard (2), Claris the Dogcow, Coffee Break, Concept Tiles (3), Crinkle Paper, Dandelion, Diamonds (9), Diatom (2), Dinosaur, Diskettes, Doodles, Dots, Down by the Sea, Drop Cloth (8), Earth, Egyptian, Family, Fieldstone, Fireworks, Flintstone (2), Flowers, Footprints (2), Forest, Fruit, Gradient Box, Gradient Boxes, Gradient Diamond, Gradient Squares (4), Gradient Stripes, Gray 50%, Helix Nebula, Holly, Hugs & Kisses, Japanese Fret Diaper Ornament (2), Knobs, Linen, Lines, Martini, Mondrian (11), Moonscape Highland, Moonscape Lowlands, Moonscape Mountains, Music, Nighttime, Nighttime, No IBM, No Smoking, Nocturnes, Party Hat, People, Picasso Apple, Picasso Mac (2), Pile of Diskettes, Plaid, Planet Neon, RGB, Rectangles, Red Grid, Restrooms, Roses, Rothko (8), Shamrocks, Shrubs, Sky (2), Skyline (2), Snowflake, Snowman, Spiral, Spring, Squiggle (3), Stained Glass (2), Static (2), Sticks, String Art, Tapestry (4), Triangle Board, Triangles, Tropical Forest, Tropical Islands, Twist, Village, Water Pool, Wheels for the Mind, Wood Floor, World Map (3), Zebrawood.
If you intend to use this product you must purchase it by sending $10.00+$3.00 shipping and handling to:
Calico Publishing
12751 Woodford Way
Bridgeton, MO 63044-1368
FAX ORDERS: (314) 298-0587
Please include your name, address, daytime phone number and the serial number displayed under the version information in Desktop Pattern. We would also appreciate it if you could let us know where you received the copy of Desktop Pattern.
We can accept checks, money orders, MasterCard or Visa. For charge card orders please include the name on the card, the card number and its expiration date. International orders can only be accepted if a charge card number is supplied. We can not accept checks written on non-US banks.
You may reach us via electronic mail at the following addresses:
America Online: CalicoPubl
AppleLink: CALICO
CompuServe: 71155,1351
A copy of the full version will be shipped to you along with a complete manual that documents some features not contained in the on-line help.
A commercial version of Desktop Pattern called Tapestry 1.2 is also available. It has numerous additional features not found in Desktop Pattern. These include:
• Pop-up menu to access functions.
• Tapestry uses external pattern files instead of loading the patterns into the control panel itself.
• Pattern titles can contain up to 50 characters.
• Copyright notices can now be added to patterns.
• Ability to accept Wallpaper™ format patterns via 'Paste' and direct import.
• New 'Paste Special' command that provides greater control over size, depth and palette selection when pasting pictures into Tapestry.
• Pattern optimization to reduce size under System 7.0
• New features to edit the palette colors used in patterns.
• Safe export occurs to prevent accidental pattern loss when exporting patterns.
• Ability to import/export 'PICT' resources to/from files.
• Ability to export only marked or unmarked patterns.
• Ability to delete only marked or unmarked patterns.
If you would like to purchase Tapestry instead of Desktop Pattern, you can do so by sending $24.95+$3.00 shipping and handling to our mailing address. Registered owners of Desktop Pattern can upgrade to Tapestry by sending $15.00.
Calico Publishing makes no warranties or representation, either expressed or implied with respect to this software or documentation, its quality, merchantability, performance or fitness for a particular purpose. As a result, this software is sold "as is," and you the owner, are assuming the entire risk as to its quality and performance. The full text of the warranty will be provided when you register the product. In no event will Calico Publishing, or its developers, directors, officers, employees, or affiliates be liable for direct, incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) resulting from any defect in this software or its documentation or arising out of the use of or inability to use the software or accompanying documentation even if Calico Publishing, an authorized Calico Publishing representative, or a Calico Publishing affiliate has been advised of the possibility of such damage. The limited warranty provided when you register the product are the only warranties of any kind that are made by Calico Publishing on this product. No oral or written information or advice given by Calico Publishing, its dealers, distributors, agents, affiliates, developers, directors, officers, or employees shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of this warranty.
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue to use it, you are expected to register. When you register Desktop Pattern, you will receive the latest version, over 150 patterns and a printed user's guide. The registration fee for Desktop Pattern is $10.00 + $3.00 for shipping and handling.
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones! The main difference is in the method of distribution. Calico Publishing specifically grants the right to copy and distribute only the complete Desktop Pattern archive that contains the files Desktop Pattern, Demo Patterns and Read Me, provided no fee is charged for this distribution. Not-For-Profit groups such as user's groups may freely distribute the Desktop Pattern archive, provided a fee is not charged in excess of the costs required to cover the diskette and duplication costs. Electronic networks such as BBS's my distribute the complete Desktop Pattern archive provided no additional fees are charged above the normal connection and/or service fees. Commercial disk vendors or anyone else who wishes to charge any type of remuneration for distributing Desktop Pattern must obtain written permission from Calico Publishing before distributing the Desktop Pattern archive.
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it.
Desktop Pattern is copyrighted and published by Calico Publishing. No portion of the program may be redistributed in violation of the guidelines set forth above or for profit unless written permission is obtained from Calico Publishing. A full license statement can be found in the Desktop Pattern manual.
Macintosh® is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Calico Publishing and Tapestry™ are trademarks of Calico Publishing.
Wallpaper™ is a trademark of Thought I Could.
Any other trademarks mentioned are trademarks of their respective holders.